F1 2015 glitch and idea list

F1 2015 glitch and idea list.

1. Critical glitches (which make the game unplayable or crashable)


1.1 Game sometimes crashes when either of these happens:

         - Getting notification from steam (screenshot, receiving message, invite etc) 

         - Chaning game resolution

         - Starting the game

         - Opening team radio commands

1.2 In multiplayer lobby you can sometimes be kicked out of the session, message: "Error, kicked from the session" and you are unable to join any session unless you restart the game (when attempting to join sessions, the same error is shown immediately after pressing Join button - without any "Joining session" message)

1.3 Other player(s) cant join sessions which you are the host of unless you restart the game. It happened once to me and my friend couldn't join even if he had restarted the game so the problem was 100% on my side. I don't know if it was only him who couldn't join, hope for some feedback from other players in the comments

1.4 PC goes into sleep mode when steam overlay is opened. This happens rarely (happened to me about 20 times in 179h game play time). Sometimes instead of just going into sleep mode, PC also wakes itself up. Every time after waking from the sleep mode (either self wake up or pressing the power button), F1 2015 is crashed (not responding in task manager). PC also went to sleep mode in these situations:

         - Going out of the garage in singleplayer practice session, Silverstone (1 time)

         - Looking at the pit strategy in singleplayer race on the grid, Singapore, wet (1 time)

         - Joining the pit lane drive line after the pit stop in Mexico (1 time)



2. Major glitches (which affect the game to a greater extent)


2.1 Pit crew stands still instead of changing tyres for a few seconds if you get to the pit right after your teammate

2.2 Going into the fullscreen mode from window mode doesnt keep the previous fullscreen resolution. There is a decreased one instead, so you have to change it back in game settings

2.3 AI sometimes doesnt use the overtake possibility and follow the car ahead instead. To reproduce, just start any race from 20th place and look how many places you can get in the first breaking zone - there will be plenty of full space on the inside which isnt used by AI, but SHOULD be. Also AI tend to brake behind the car which has a puncture instead of overtaking it immediately. Looks like they want to keep the racing line way too much.

2.4 AI doesnt let you by under blue flag conditions if they've just come out of the pits

2.5 AI drives very dangerously under blue flag conditions (massive corner cutting on the inside of the corner or smashing into the wall on the outside) You can see it for example here: https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=19m

2.6 AI change tyres from wet to inters, inters to slick etc if weather conditions change even if there is 1 lap left OR on the last lap if AI was already lapped (its not the last lap for the AI but its the last lap of the race)

2.7 AI change tyres slick->slick (because of their pit window) even if indermediate conditions are expected on the next lap = pitting 2 times at 2 consecutive laps

2.8 If racing with strict cornercutting rules, you can get 3 warnings on one corner cut, for example in Silverstone maggots/beckets section as you can see in this video https://youtu.be/P3FlY8g_m44?t=13m45s He cut 1 or 2 corners and got 3 warnings, when once I did cut one corner I got 3 warnings 

2.9 Random cars often disappear in multiplayer race at the race start (after 5 red lights). The invisible cars dont show up on the minimap, game doesnt detect contact with them but they detect contact with me (friend told me I spun him but I didnt see him or notice any strange car movement). People however are shown in the top left corner. http://goo.gl/Ms93Ad As you can see on this screenshot, the car behind is 0.8s behind but doesnt appear on the minimap. Same on these screenshots http://goo.gl/a1SmWr http://goo.gl/q2Uo21 To confirm those cars register damage with us, here is the screen of a missing car (he's a few meters in front of me) http://goo.gl/zsk0Gs and his penalty for collision with me: http://goo.gl/LMYDwO

2.10 During the multiplayer race when two people touch each other, sometimes one detects contact but the second one doesnt. Also one person can see somebody ghosting, but another one can't as seen here: https://youtu.be/TSccnL1E1_Y?t=7m46s https://youtu.be/mDwgtELwFv4?t=6m23s Ferrari saw williams ghosting, but williams registered contact with ferrari beacuse he didnt ghost on his screen.

2.11 10 seconds game penalty for exceeding track limits (even on normal cornercutting rules) when cutting a bit of Silverstone pit entry as seen on these screenshots:

         - Coming towards the pit entry: http://goo.gl/Rv0Zg8

         - Cutting the pit entry: http://goo.gl/0wDvxd

         - The penalty: http://goo.gl/qZzWgR

    Same happened in Singapore:

         - Cutting: http://goo.gl/4lYUSm

         - The penalty: http://goo.gl/nakMxp

2.12 In any multiplayer lobby if someone is talking you dont see who it is because the speaker icon doesnt blink. It blinks only when you are talking. Also muted players dont have their speaker icon crossed, only if your push to talk button is pressed.

2.13 During the race when someone is talking the speaker icon with nickname doesn't show up. Glitch similar to 2.12, but occurs during the multiplayer race. Also icons show up when I'm talking.

2.14 The new strict cornercutting rule is too strict at some corners - even though you are still 2 tyres on the track you get the warning/penalty. These corners are:

         - Singapore Turn 17

2.15 Multiplayer game RARELY doesn't finish after every driver has finished the race. It happened once to me, and once to my friend. What happens is that you can see cars still driving on the track in spectator mode over and over again. When it happened to me a few months ago, after 3 laps of the cars' drive, I saw this: http://goo.gl/WZfXqG In fact I finished at 2nd place, but the standings showed I was 4th, +3 LAPs to first person who DNF. When it happened to my friend, he left the session after about 2 laps after the race finish so I dont know what happened next, but this is what he was seeing during that "after-race drive" (idk if there is something special, but I'll post it anyway, maybe it'll help) http://goo.gl/6ViNRB In that race I was the host and I left the game during the race. I don't know if this might be the problem.

2.16 Engineer doesnt inform you about every warning (for example cornercutting) which is very confusing in Pro Season - you dont know you got a warning unless you see flashing lights on your steering wheel which is really hard in sunny weather. Engineer sometimes says you got a warning, but mostly he does not.

2.17 In multiplayer lobby you can mute specific player or all players by "mute" button, but to unmute you have to also use "mute" button, there is no "unmute" button replacing that one (might be connected to 2.12 glitch)

2.18 I dont even know how to name it so I'll tell what happened. I started single grand prix race in japan and when the race started rosberg got the fastest lap: http://goo.gl/7vkhfn then he set ridiculous lap time: http://goo.gl/KfD9DW The first one to cross the finish line was Lewis Hamilton (it was shown on top center of the screen), but when rosberg crossed the line, he became the winner: http://goo.gl/6PBzLG And here are the race results: http://goo.gl/KAaidw Looks like 4 AI glitched. Reason unknown.

2.19 AI are too slow (even on legendary level) in some corners like 130R in Japan https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=15m54s

2.20 AI drive dangerously when coming to pits in Japan https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=18m30s

2.21 Bad race strategies. If the tyre wear is big (every time when playing on a keyboard) game automatically changes pit strategy during the race mostly to 1 more pit stop. Instead of OOP it is OOOP for example, but there is a faster strategy (which I always use) - OPP (in 50% race it works, dont know how about 100%). The engineer doesnt inform you that strategy has changed, so you might think it didnt change (unless you remember pit stop laps) and realise too late, but you know you could've used your own strategy which is always better. That's why I never trust engineer in terms of strategy.

2.22 Sometimes in multiplayer, tyres change color after going out of the pits as seen here https://youtu.be/mDwgtELwFv4?t=8m59s

2.23 Sometimes in mutliplayer you get random "illegal overtake" message. You can see this here: https://youtu.be/mDwgtELwFv4?t=9m45s https://youtu.be/TSccnL1E1_Y?t=11m47s It also happened to me a few times.

2.24 Sometimes unable to enter spectator mode in multiplayer lobby. Pressing the spectate button (highlighted red on the screenshot) but nothing happens http://goo.gl/uXHXqu

2.25 Yellow flag on track despite being alone in the race - the other driver left the session earlier. He might've left the session in a place yellow flag appears in, not sure. http://goo.gl/n2ZhQi

2.26 Sometimes when asking engineer for a weather forecast he says: "We have no data for that I'm afraid" - is this even possible in real life?

2.27 Engineer tells you that it's the time to change tyres due to condition changes (inter -> wet etc) after everyone has already pitted. Should be a little before the first AI starts pitting.

2.28 AI drive dangerously if they have a puncture - they occupy the racing line causing many crashes as seen here: http://goo.gl/2vf8IZ Button with puncture caused 3 cars to get 5 sec penalty. Another case with Hamilton having a puncture: http://goo.gl/iq0JBB 

2.29 Sometimes in multiplayer you can get your frontwing replaced in the pits without any animation and standard ~2.4 sec pit stop time. https://youtu.be/j6Ye7QNvYN4?t=9m14s

2.30 Too little time to pick in team radio screen if you use arrow keys. You mostly dont have enough time to pick Weather Forecast

2.31 Engineer told me to switch from Rich to Standard revs when I was +0.45 on fuel and was losing around 0.04 per lap = on target in 10 laps

2.32 In multiplayer, one person won the race before it even started. http://goo.gl/nTIsxZ Just after the start: http://goo.gl/7ORd0y That person's lap time was ridiculously fast. http://goo.gl/5kYYV3 The first lap of the race was also the last one. Screenshot taken just after crossing the finish line at lap 1: http://goo.gl/wb1SCl That person was however driving second lap by himself (not AI) http://goo.gl/3ikLiX After that person had finished lap 2, the race was over. http://goo.gl/eeFkKB And here are the race standings and lap times of that person: http://goo.gl/IE5etY http://goo.gl/85BQht



3. Minor glitches (which dont affect the game too much)


3.1 Even on highest settings pit lane equipment (like frontwings) in mirrors is missing. http://goo.gl/okBSZ9 If it's because of high hardware requirements, it can be a different video setting 

3.2 When going out of pit stop, pit crew will disappear in the mirror if we move away at a certain distance.

         Out of pits: http://goo.gl/QvwkGA

         A little later: http://goo.gl/t2RBPm Pit crew didnt go back to garage yet (screenshot taken just after they disappeared)

3.3 When going into the replay mode and instantly going back to the menu, we can see the whole replay moving fast forward from the start of the replay to the point we are now.

3.4 Sometimes the control setup comes back to default and you have to change it back to custom

3.5 3 sec penalty after using flashback in Canada as shown on this scheme http://i.imgur.com/BPpUNOi.png Highly reproduceable

3.6 If the tyre you start with is really worn, you can see in your strategy estimated pit stop at lap -1 (actually lap 4294967295 which is the highest value of 4-byte unsigned variable) http://goo.gl/9eeMvL You can also see 3/4 pit stop here: http://goo.gl/SQ54vU

3.7 Engineer tablet cant show more than 3 pit stops as seen on this screenshot http://goo.gl/9eeMvL There is obviously a pit stop at lap 23-24 for prime tyres. Also look at estimated race time (it's 50% race)

3.8 When joining multiplayer lobby, there is a chance you'll already have championship points inherited from a player who had left the lobby before you joined in

3.9 When after the multiplayer race the driver standings are shown, people who had left the session before this race, instead of just not being shown they are replaced by AI. http://goo.gl/7N8f1P http://goo.gl/PoA6z6

3.10 When adding AI to the multiplayer lobby, AI has the flag of a player who was driving as this driver earlier in this lobby

3.11 Sometimes when someone sets the fastest lap, the information about it on top center of the screen shows up many times (mostly 3)

3.12 In multiplayer races there are some corners when the game sometimes ghosts you because of too high speed even though you take the corner properly. These corners are:

         - Turn 1 in China

         - Turn 11 in China

         - Turn 12 in China

         - Turn 8 in Abu Dhabi

         - Turn 10 in Monaco

         - Turn 16 in Monaco

         - Turn 1 in Japan

         - Turn 16 in Japan

Hope for more confirmed corners in comments

3.13 When either on the grid waiting for the race start in multiplayer or in the spectator mode also in multiplayer, pressing Escape (going into menu) sometimes mutes the game. The sound comes back on in the 1st case when all players are loaded (red lights show up) and in the 2nd case when race finishes (podium video shown or - if less than 3 players finished - race standings shown)

3.14 When in hopper lobby, the race start can be delayed significantly if one player initiates voting to skip the track, countdown finishes, the 2nd players does the same, countdown finishes, 3rd... etc. Possible solutions:

         - Only one vote initiation possibility globally (not one per player)

         - Voting without time limit - always shown for example on top center of the screen, game start timer is counting down despite that people are voting = no game delay - for me its the best solution but needs slight code changes

3.15 In hoppers the game start countdown timer sometimes doesnt show up, probably caused by skip track voting countdown or the message which is shown after it. The cause isn't confirmed. Also sometimes the timer shows up without "Race starts in:" message http://goo.gl/f64Wl5

3.16 The second replay in singleplayer after finishing the race doesn't work. The first one which can be viewed by pressing F2 butting on Race Results screen ( http://goo.gl/Az8gLh ) works as it should. There is another replay after showing driver standings which looks like this* ( http://goo.gl/KBvE1Q ) and after pressing F2 we can see replay mode ( http://goo.gl/RlTvn6 ) BUT it doesn't work. The replay is playing but you cant change camera/driver etc and after pressing enter, you exit the mode. It looks like during this replay mode game uses key bindings from * instead of replay mode key bindings. It's hard to explain but I hope it is clear now. 

3.17 When someone behind you causes the yellow flag, it isnt displayed to you (and it shouldn't be) but if the hazard is cleared, you can see the green flag. It might be confusing when you didnt see yellow flag and see green flag (which may be flashing if there were multiple crashes behind you especially in multiplayer race). Every green flag display draws your attention to the flag so you concentrate less on the race for a while, which is unnecessary because the information about that flag is useless. Engineer also sometimes says "Green flag, we're racing again". Flag display screens on track also blink.

3.18 When race is finished, there is an information about winner on the left hand side of the screen ( http://goo.gl/Y9IPGY ) which can be replaced by for example yellow flag ( http://goo.gl/VjGdo4 ), but when yellow flag is gone, the information about the winner doesnt show up again ( http://goo.gl/tmoSRw )

3.19 When pressing really fast menu keys (those to change fuel mix, tyres, brake balance and downforce) sometimes they dont work however the sound is played. Example: To change fuel mix to Rich I press really fast "Menu Up" 3 times (1. Open menu 2. Fuel Mix 3. Rich) I hear 3 sounds but I'm still in Fuel Mix menu and Rich mix isnt applied. Sometimes both Standard and Rich mix may be highlighted.

3.20 After going out from game mode (grand prix, champ season, multiplayer etc) to main menu with escape button and then spamming that button we can hear the sound which plays when we escape from game mode, every time we press escape button. The sound fades out until it mutes

3.21 Multiplayer race standings are sometimes glitched if someone leaves during the race as seen on this screenshot: http://goo.gl/0NncNf

3.22 When watching players in spectator mode the engine sometimes sounds like the fuel has ran out (revs go up and down) despite the fact that they have still enough fuel to finish without running out of fuel

3.23 There is a graphical glitch (black rectangles at the center of the screen) in Canada after the hairpin, it can be seen at the first part of the straight as seen on these screenshots: http://goo.gl/6nMVeH http://goo.gl/F1zS2q

3.24 When on the grid, your pit crew doesnt render in mirrors as seen on this screenshot http://goo.gl/4v70AH however mechanics of other cars (right mirror) are rendered

3.25 In replay mode if you change the camera to different than the TV one (3rd person, filming from outside the track) it automatically changes back to the TV one if the view of the next TV camera should be shown. After changing the camera to a different, it doesnt happen anymore. To reproduce:

         1. Drive a few corners

         2. Get in the replay mode

         3. Pick dashcam camera

         4. Play the replay

         5. After a while camera changes automatically to TV one

3.26 When coming into the pitlane in monaco, the steering wheel behaves oddly - car goes right, steering wheel is turned left as seen here https://youtu.be/Sat7XJ1Cqus?t=20m8s

3.27 Rarely in multiplayer in the pits you can see other player in different place than they actually are. Look at player aarava in his POV: https://youtu.be/xeoas2GyP9k?t=9m48s and another player's: https://youtu.be/AEzAb3ObHjg?t=10m19s

3.28 After spin/crash AI always want to go join the optimal racing line as soon as possible. It means that they lose a bit of time with that. It doesn't affect the game but it is really annoying when you see such unrealistic situation. As mentioned in 2.3 - racing line is the most important for AI.

3.29 When going out of garage in practise/quali the car goes out at the same time when the guy who shows us if we can go out starts moving his hand. The car should go out a little bit after that guy shows us the direction and lets us go, not exactly in the same time.

3.30 When coming to the pits for tyre change or to get back to garage, the car breaks instantly (in the pit stop area) at the end - its too fast to be real. Just compare it to any real life situation

3.31 When looking from a TV camera at the car which comes to change tyres in pit lane it turns really oddly, almost turns without moving like it is rotating while standing still

3.32 A few pit entries are so strange that the car is braking instantly from full speed to pit speed

         - Canada: https://youtu.be/hti2CHkLuJs?t=8m54s

         - Bahrain

         - Great Britain

3.33 When you overtake a person who has just been disqualified, engineer says "good job, nice overtake"

3.34 In multiplayer, my VOIP icon with nickname was being shown up all the time until I pressed push-to-talk button. It was probably caused because I was speaking in lobby when the map started to load.

3.35 Missing front wing during pit stop in replay https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=10m55s

3.36 Strange driver hand movement ALWAYS when joining the pit lane road after the pit stop https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=19m18s

3.37 Sometimes driver standings in multiplayer show strange places. http://goo.gl/PoA6z6 On this screenshot there is 19th place after 11th

3.38 Helicopter's propellers dont move and also the machine has strange movement (going backwards?) Look at the top of the screenshot https://youtu.be/TSccnL1E1_Y?t=14m17s

3.39 In spectator mode, sometimes strange lap times appear http://goo.gl/r0PBWV http://goo.gl/Wg6eDW It always happens right after joining spectator mode. Looks like fastest lap times arent synchronised with game host, because the lap time starts counting from current sector. Look here: http://goo.gl/FuH7Cj

3.40 When in game settings and the multiplayer races start (5 red lights countdown), the settings close automatically (as they should) but also often HUD is missing until the 5 red lights are gone.

         - Missing HUD: http://goo.gl/DFLmox

         - After 5 red lights: http://goo.gl/ffRiCg

The same happens after opening the game menu and quickly closing it both on single and multiplayer (during race countdown). Highly reproduceable

3.41 Even though the player behind me left the multiplayer session half a lap ago, engineers says: "Don't worry about the car behind, he has a time penalty". No other players in race.

3.42 Glitched tyres during pit stop in replay mode as seen here https://youtu.be/deChlKus9fU?t=10m32s

3.43 White screen in pit monitor in championship season, 30 min practise. David Croft was still talking when camera switched to driver's view. http://goo.gl/b8aIZW When Croft stopped talking, the screen became normal - http://goo.gl/jsW9Wb

3.44 After both Mercedes cars finished their pit stop but they were still in a pit lane, engineer said "Mercedes are PREPARING for a stop, we're NOT SURE which driver it is yet" - even I knew it was both of them way before engineer said it. Look on the minimap and what engineer is saying: http://goo.gl/K5l6F0

3.45 Exiting the pit lane if there is red light? http://goo.gl/wWcXwe

3.46 When gaining place because someone has pitted, engineer says "nice overtake" or "well done thats 1st". http://goo.gl/ytEH9N http://goo.gl/tZULBG

3.47 Engineer in some races randomly says "well done that's 1st" even though I'm first all the time. http://goo.gl/8bhbPB http://goo.gl/vunnN4 http://goo.gl/DyMMMf

3.48 When leaving the menu right before multiplayer race countdown starts, the red lights aren't light up even though the ones on the track are. Also, those unlit lights dont disappear after the race which looks like this: http://goo.gl/MrK8wN

3.49 When starting the multiplayer race after one shot qualifying, there is a message "Qualifying complete" https://youtu.be/j6Ye7QNvYN4?t=3m44s

3.50 When leaving the garage in practise/quali the driver moves the switch on a steering wheel, but other switches move as well without driver's help

3.51 Every AI loses their back end a little bit in the same place on track on the corner exit

3.52 After the singleplayer race in race results David Croft is speaking (and should be). But after entering and leaving replay, he does it one more time ("So it was Kimi Raikkonen who won today's GP" etc)

3.53 DRS Zone in Mexico on the pit straight start in wrong place. In game it start at the beginning of the straight. but in real life it starts next to pit exit.

3.54 After Hamilton had a puncture in singleplayer, engineer said: "Mercedes are preparing for a stop. We're not sure which driver it is yet" but it was obviously Lewis.

3.55 Even after wet race, the podium animation plays in dry, sunny weather.



4. Language localisation (game mistranslation)


4.1 When choosing tyres to fit during the pit stop, tyre types are translated to Polish wrongly.

         - Option = Miękka, which means "soft" [singular form] (the yellow ones), should be "Alternatywne" 

         - Prime = Twarde, which means "hard" [plural form] (the orange ones), should be "Główne"

         - Intermediate = Pośrednie, which means "medium" [plural form] (the white ones), should be "Przejściowe"


4.2 In "Downforce" menu in Polish version correct translations should be:

         - Zwiększona instead of Zwiększono

         - Domyślna instead of Domyślnie

         - Zmniejszona instead of Zmniejszono


4.3 In car information screen on the right in Polish it should be "Przepustnica" instead of "Przepustnicy" http://goo.gl/9vdCmd

4.4 When someone retires from session in multiplayer, there should "sesji" instead of "sesję" in Polish in the sentence on the bottom of the screen http://goo.gl/suzH8E

4.5 The second line in championship season summary in Polish version is completely grammatically incorrect. It should be: "Dlaczego nie spróbować jeszcze raz z innym zespołem, na innym poziomie trudności lub, być może, by polepszyć swoje wyniki?" http://goo.gl/du3UZh



5. Ideas do this game (which may be implemented to F1 2015)


5.1 There should be a notification of which driver causes the yellow flag so we can know which driver we can overtake. Once two cars crashed into each other and the third one slowed down behind them (look at glitch 2.3), I saw the yellow flag and wanted to bypass the danger however I had to give the spot back to that third car which wasnt the cause of yellow flag even after slowing down. Maybe a yellow driver name over the car instead of the white one? Another example: https://youtu.be/hti2CHkLuJs?t=5m24s

5.2 When going into pit lane, there is no need for the camera to change to driver-view. It should stay the same as we drive with.

5.3 Many warnings should finally cause the penalty, the guy on this screenshot got 11 warnings and no penalty (strict cornercutting) http://goo.gl/xiU48K

5.4 No-DSQ setting in the multiplayer lobby, because people are raging about that strict cornercutting rule - penalties are fair enough

5.5 No ghostcar mode in multi - for league races or just to have real life conditions on multi (not only singleplayer)

5.6 In Pro Season no race restart and no loading saved race used as a flashback. There should be only "save and quit", not just "save".

5.7 Multiplayer lobby settings (for the hosts) should be saved locally. I always make the same-settings lobby and I have to set them every time instead of either loading a lobby setup or just using the latest settings

5.8 There should be a button to choose certain lap in replay mode instead of going fast forward through the entire race.

5.9 Equal tyre wear mode, because driving on a keyboard kills tyres really fast so its impossible to go with Option Option Prime stints, it's mostly Option Prime Prime stints, and I come to the pits when tyres are red on a HUD indicator

5.10 No instant car disappearance if crashed or had a mechanical failure in replay mode

5.11 Pro Season Mode shouldn't allow to use rearview camera (R on the keyboard) as it doesnt allow different POVs

5.12 Locked camera mode in multiplayer so every player uses the same camera (like cockpit one) with the same camera setting (default custom camera settings) - good for Pro Season Multiplayer championship or just to play with friends to be sure that no one is cheating by using different camera which may provide better vision

5.13 Engineer shouldn't say "Complete. Go now" after pit stop is completed, because:

         - Engineer doesnt do it in real life

         - It's not you who controls the car in pits

5.14 Better AI highest difficulty, you can beat legendary Mercedes with Toro Rosso/Force India now

5.15 Would be nice if we could omit David Croft's speech about the circuit after the track loads. It's possible on championship season, but not at time trial, grand prix or multiplayer. It's always a few seconds saved and you dont have to hear the sentence which you know by heart already.

5.16 Penalty counter with total time penalty in race so we can know how big is the gap we have to build to maintain current position

5.17 TBD

5.18 TBD

5.19 TBD

5.20 Cars in pit lane shouldn't ghost if they come at the same time, they should follow each other instead of battling for the place (look at Merc and Williams) https://youtu.be/6YfwkB9Q7eM?t=10m48s

5.21 Menu choice shouldn't reset after exiting to the one before: Example: You want to change lobby settings. You've already changed Session Settings (the one at the top), you go into Race Settings (in the middle) http://goo.gl/FoSjzH then you change what you want http://goo.gl/C2oXF5 and go back to change available assists, however the highlighted menu is the one at the top even though we exited the middle one http://goo.gl/NdDiiy , so subconsciously we want to press Menu Down button once to get to assist and then instantly pressing enter to make is as fast as possible, but we get to settings we've just exited. It's also annoying in many other situations, but it's not necessary to mention them.

5.22 Also somehow connected to 5.21 and to get fast to somewhere in menu knowing which button to press in what order. Animations in menu are really long. After pressing the button to enter the certain menu, you have to wait for animation to end to be able to scroll up/down in menu. It's about convenience and intuitiveness - you dont want to watch how text disappears and another appears, you want to change what you want and race as soon as possible.

5.23 Connected to 5.21 and 5.22 When in main menu (where you can choose game mode - championship, pro season, multi etc) pressing right/left arrow for example 4 times quickly will move highlighted option 1 or 2 to that direction, because keys dont work during the switching animation.

5.24 Car malfunction setting on/off for human players in singleplayer. AI often DNF but I have never seen any human player having car malfunction (correct me if I'm wrong)

5.25 Score gap to other teams in standings as it is in driver standings - http://goo.gl/800pzy but not in team standings - http://goo.gl/VSHrCM


6. Ideas to next games (which won't be that easy to implement in F1 2015)


6.1 If there won't be career mode to play with own nickname (only as a certain driver) engineer would start every sentence with "Ok Lewis, " etc like in real life. Would be nice if engineer said the same or very similar sentences to ones we can here in real F1, like "box box, box box" as Peter Bonnington often says to Hamilton

6.2 Safety car and red flags

6.3 Realistic damage model - wheel after crash shouldn't just fly away but be still connected to the car with (probably) brake cables or whatever it is (look at real life crashes in F1, like Verstappen in Monaco 2015) and of course more delicate frontwings, chassis damage etc would be nice

6.4 The cars which crashed or had mechanical issue shouldn't just ghost and disappear but still be on the track and if marshalls or a mobile crane pulled them out of the track - that would be really really awesome (of course it would be really hard to make)

6.5 More realistic engine sound - these arent much similar to the real ones and some (like Lotus's) are really quiet compared to the rest. Even on video when Perez was driving in this game, they cut game engine sound and pasted real life sound https://youtu.be/UgZ262MuvwY?t=3m6s

6.6 Pit limiter turned on and off by the player, not automatically

6.7 Driving in the pit by your own instead of the AI, of course many people would try to go through pit crews etc, but there should be a solution for that

6.8 Improved traction control, even on full traction control if using keyboard the car slides and loses traction in wet conditions, but also in dry, high speed chicanes (Ascari, S-section i Japan, Mexico 2nd sector) after pressing throttle button while turning (on keyboard its impossible to press throttle to 50%, only 0 or 100)

6.9 Real-life environment mode (for pro season and to choose in championship or multiplayer), because grass provides too much grip compared to real life, just look at Kvyat's crash in Japan 2015 and what happens if you try to turn while wheel is on the grass.

6.10 People on the grid during the rain should wear capes, have umbrellas etc and cameras should be protected from water by covers.

6.11 Better puncture model - if we get the puncture, our max speed is much slower than in real life. Also the tyre should slowly fall apart after a few corners like in real life

6.12 Easy modding - no file encryption and no pattern car liveries - every car part should have its own graphic instead of sharing some

6.13 Better communication with engineer - asking for info about any driver instead of the one in front and behind, their compounds, estimated pit stop laps and time we(or they) will catch them (or us)

6.14 Formation lap

6.15 Virtual Safety Car

6.16 Engineer should inform us how much fuel we have for the race (+0.20, -0.42 etc) instead of saying "switch to mix 2 soon" - when in rich, he says so if there is +0.40 or +0.15 so we dont know how much fuel we actually have

6.17 Gap to the car in front/behind should be given by engineer with tenths of a second, not only in full seconds (0.8 and 1.2 are 1 second even though it's a big difference)



Sorry if English isn't perfect here. I tried to correct as many mistakes as possible!

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